WALKTHROUGH Leon's " From Coastline to Atmosphere "

Map 4;
(filename; leonHL2-2d.bsp)

You start where you ended the level before, in the garage. When you walk through the door in front of the jeep you come in a small room with a health charger, and from there you go through another door. When you see the water you maybe know that there should also be a boat, so look around until you find a door that opens, in the small room behind the door you find a suit charger and another door that can't be opened from this site so you have to go back. You find 2 combines waiting for you, after you killed them go through the sliding door where they came from and you find the boat. Take it and 'drive' it over land towards the water. While you float towards the end from the water you will be attacked by a handful of flying manhacks. Just go on outside and keep floating until you get to the end of the water where you can jump out of the water. This is the best place to take care of the manhacks and those 2 combines that where waiting outside for you. When it's quiet again go on with the boat. At the end you find a dark hallway going down, follow that and you will finally stop in front of 2 large wooden doors underground. Go out of the boat and climb on the ladder that is hanging from the wall and what gives excess to a small metal catwalk above you. (It may look like if you get stuck at the top of the ladder, but this is how I make all the ladders in the map pack, just jump at the end of the ladder of it, with the Space button).

Walk over the catwalk towards metal doors, one will open, go through it and you will find yourself behind the wooden doors now, and at the same time they open. Seems that some combines did come through that one metal door that you couldn't open.
Take the boat again and go on, you will get around here a text that you have to look for a Keycard. Jump with the boat over the end of the concretes and come in the water again. From where you jump with the boat you can find a small way down towards the ground where you can find an Easter egg in the form of health and batteries.
Once you're on the water again you will be attacked by several combines. Best way to get through this part I think was to go as fast as possible on with the boat, around the corner, and jump out of it before those wooden pools that are standing in the water.

Climb out of the water and shoot them all death. After you have killed them you go a bit back towards that wooden stairs that sticks out of the water towards a door.

Go through the whole building, and at the back you can get out, beneath a broken bridge through towards another very small office. Go in this office and here you find extra health and batteries, and the Keycard!!

Take it and go all the way back, in your boat and go on until you can't go any further. Here you leave the boat, you won't see it again I’m afraid. Climb on the land and kill all the combines around you. From there you can collect first all ammo that is left behind by the combines, (and at the top of the broken bridge you find an extra health pack).Than walk over the small concrete walkway around the mountain, until you can climb/jump at the end of it down in water that is beneath you.

See screen, you come from the opposite side and have to climb on one of the brown, big, metal pipes above until you have reached this point on the screen. You will get attacked by combines, and there is a maintained machine gun that could make this a bit easier to do with the ones that come from far.
Than press at the button that you see on this screen above, the button that is above on the right of the screen. When you press this button below will a box be opened where you can stick your Keycard in. Sparks will point you to this box.
The door at the left of this Keycard box will open and you can go in and find a small vent shaft in the ground behind some wooden crates. Jump in the hole in the ground, and fight on. After having killed several enemies you will find a new Keycard here, see new screen;

You can find the card where the floor is broken, is lays on a small cabinet.
Take the new card with you and walk back where you came from. A door behind you will be opened by combines, when you go through this door you will come through hallways to a new part of this combine structure. Finally you will find yourself in a big white hall with swinging lamps on the ceiling and lots of combines. Just go through the whole structure, some doors will be closed first and later on opened. Your task is to get up the highest catwalk under the ceiling, and from there you can get excess to the health and suit charger, and a blue door. Go through this door and there you will find some sort of button that comes out of the ceiling. Press on it and you will be asked to stick your latest Keycard into a box in the wall. No a huge door will open. From there you can find and fight your way back towards your jeep. Take it and drive it to where you came from in front of an elevator.

When you stand in front of the elevator, (after you have driven your jeep towards the elevator!!) you press on a button on the left of you and the elevator will lower from above. Drive the jeep on it and press the button that is in the elevator. After you have gone up drive the jeep of the elevator again towards outside. At your left you will now see a sliding door opening, drive the jeep inside this new garage.
